Monday, December 17, 2007

Fruit Sellers

This is a summer photograph. Fruit sellers selling mangoes from India in the city. If they see cops coming, they pack up in record time and disappear. This photograph wasn't clicked by me. It was clicked by a visiting consultant in the office. (I've forgotten his name!) If you, Mr. Kuwait-Visitor-who's-name-I-have-forgotten sees this, please email me and I'll credit you for the pic.


Hyderabad Daily Photo said...

Don't know if you posted a pic, but I don't see one here.

zakscloset said...

me either...

b.c. said...

oh what's going on with the photos?

zakscloset said...

i love mangoes!!!! how can they pack up all that stuff so quickly???

Amrita said...

I can see the Bombay Alphonso mangoes. They are good

AVCr8teur said...

I love mangoes, but that's a lot to pack quickly in a short time. They must practice with a stopwatch.

Hyderabad Daily Photo said...

This is in Kuwait? Looks like India!
Ah, the Great Indian Disappearing Act! They do it in the markets here when the municipal corporation squad comes along with the police. Then when they are gone, they appear out of nowhere and resume business! They seem to have exported the technique to Kuwait....